Jerry Blog

Definitely better than Noah

Point of View Scavenger Hunt

Posted by 032129 on August 24, 2012

A tree from a worm’s eye view


Make a tall person look small


Make a small person look tall


Photograph the same grave from a worm’s eye view and then again from a crane’s eye view

Photograph something close-up and then again far away so that each photo looks like it is a different object/place.

Can you trick us?  Take a photo that plays with our sense of space so that we are confused about point of view, proportion, and scale


One Response to “Point of View Scavenger Hunt”

  1.   e10391 Says:

    Point of View Scavenger Hunt Rubric
    A tree from a worm’s eye view 1/1
    Make a tall person look small 1/1
    Make a small person look tall 1/1
    Photograph the same grave from a worm’s eye view and then again from a crane’s eye view 2/2

    Photograph something close-up and then again far away so that each photo looks like it is a different object/place. 2/2

    Can you trick us? Take a photo that plays with our sense of space so that we are confused about point of view, proportion, and scale 1/1

    8/8=100% Great work! I like the picture of Noah from a worms view the best…

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